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CounSol User Guide

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Supervisor Features/Settings

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Supervisors have access to whatever documents you deem appropriate to review, comment on, approve/reject, and sign off as needed.  Please contact your personal account manager for setting up a supervisor.





Enabling the Supervision Summary Page Tracker (supervisor/supervisee)

(For Supervisors) Reviewing supervision documents

(For Supervisees) Reviewing/Editing Rejected Documents

Reassigning documents to another supervisor





How to enable the Supervision Summary Page Tracker:


Note: There must be an active supervision assignment in place before you can enable and set the supervision tracker.


1. Click the Settings icon, then My Settings, then select Customize Practice Summary from the My Settings menu at the left.


2. Scroll down and tick the box for Supervision.


3. Scroll back up to drag and drop the blue Supervision box to a prominent location on your Summary Page layout, then click the green Save button.







(For Supervisors) How to review supervision documents:


1. On your Practice Summary page, check the Supervision Tracker for items that require attention. The numbers shown are the total number of active documents for each type.
 Document Types:
         Pending: Documents completed by the supervisee awaiting awaiting review

       Revised: Documents revised by the supervisee after having been rejected by the supervisor

               Deferred: Documents opened/read by supervisor, but designated as "Review Later"
               Rejected: Documents reviewed by the supervisor that were rejected and require edits
               Signed: Documents approved and signed by the supervisor
               Removed: Documents designated as not needing review/signature

2. Click a number displayed next to Pending to open the list of unread documents.


3. Click the "review" link to the right of any document listing to open that document.


4. If signing:
       A. Enter your electronic signature.
       B. (optional) enter any supervisor notes
       C. Click Save Signed


  If NOT signing:

       A. Type instructions or notes in the Supervisor Notes field (required).
       B. Click the green Reject and Notify... button to send the document back to the supervisee for edits.


Note: When a document is reviewed and approved (saved as complete) that document is removed from the supervision tracker and moved to the Signed supervision documents list.


Note: Added professionals and staff supervisors who do not have access to any areas on the Home tab will have a "Supervision" tab in the main menu to act as a shortcut to the list of Pending supervision documents. Supervision items are accessed as usual from the practice summary page for users with Home access.







(For Supervisees) How to Review/Edit Rejected supervision documents:


1. On your Practice Summary page, check the Supervision Tracker for items that require attention. The numbers shown are the total number of current documents for each type.
Document Types:
         Pending: Documents completed by the supervisee awaiting awaiting review

       Revised: Documents revised by the supervisee after having been rejected by the supervisor

               Deferred: Documents opened/read by supervisor, but designated as "Review Later"
               Rejected: Documents reviewed by the supervisor that were rejected and require edits
               Signed: Documents approved and signed by the supervisor
               Removed: Documents designated as not needing review/signature

2. Click a number displayed next to Rejected to open the list of documents needing attention.


3. Click the "view" link to the right of any document listing to open that document and read the notes given by the supervisor.


4. Scroll down and click the green Make Changes button.


5. Make the appropriate edits and click the green button to Save Complete.


Note: When a document is reviewed and approved (saved as complete) that document is removed from the supervision tracker and moved to the Signed supervision documents list.







How to reassign documents to another supervisor:


Note: Only one supervisor can add their signature to a document. You must contact your personal account manager and request to have two supervisors assigned to a single supervisee - please make sure to let your account manager know which supervisor is the primary (who will see documents first).



1. On your Practice Summary page, check the Supervision Tracker for items that require attention. The numbers shown are the total number of active documents for each type.

2. Click a number displayed next to Pending to open the list of unread documents.


3. Click the "review" link to the right of any document listing to open that document.


4. Click the Assign to Other Supervisor button.


5. Select the other supervisor's name from the drop-down menu shown, then click the green Reassign button.