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CounSol User Guide

Navigation: Practice Settings

Tasks (To-Do) List

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Keeping an organized list of tasks is essential for many professionals as practices expand and responsibilities grow.  You can create, organize, and update a list of tasks within your account.



How to create/maintain a task list:


1. From the Practice icon, or Calendar icon, click on the Tasks tab.




2. Create a new task by clicking the New Task button.




3. Create a Title to quickly identify the task.

4. Set a Priority level for the task.

5. Optional - Add a Star, or a Color code dot to display in the task bar.

6. Optional - adjust the current Percent of the task already completed.

7. Select a Due Date for completing the task.

8. Optional - Select a Status for the task.

9. Optional - Write a description to add details regarding the task.




How to update a task.


1. Navigate to the Task list.


Option 1:


Click on the Sessions icon. The task list will display at the bottom.


Option 2:


Click on the Calendar icon, then the Tasks tab.




2. Click on a task to edit.


3. Make the appropriate changes, then click the Save Updated Task button.

