
Psychotherapy Practice Software: FAQs, Answered

Software For Counselors

Considering upgrading to a new psychotherapy practice software? We’re here to make sure you understand your options and are answering a few frequently asked questions about our software below. Anyone who is diligently researching or trying out a newer, better software is bound to have questions about its user interface and functionality in order to… continue reading

Everything You Need To Know About CounSol Pricing

CounSol Pricing

Looking for an online management system for your practice? We have just the solution! Here is everything you need to know about CounSol pricing and our four practice management plans.  Imagine a customized online portal to manage your practice. Well, you don’t have to imagine it anymore. We can help make it a reality with… continue reading

Practice Management System Vs EMR: The Difference

Practice Management System Vs. EMR

If you’re new to these terms, it’s common for them to be used interchangeably. However, it’s not exactly accurate. We’re sharing the difference between a practice management system vs EMR. The medical industry has made significant strides toward transitioning to digital softwares that help to better support medical professionals and allow them to run their… continue reading

5 Ways Our Counseling Notes Software Will Make Your Life Easier

Counseling Notes Software

If you’ve been on the edge of your seat about transitioning to a counseling notes software, we hope this blog helps you take the jump. We’re sharing five ways CounSol.com can make your life easier with our counseling notes software. 1. Have More Time To Do Your Day-To-Day Responsibilities  It can be exhausting to juggle… continue reading

7 Of Our Most Popular Practice Management Software Features

Practice Management Software Features

There are a couple of practice management software features that set us apart from the rest. Keep reading to learn some of our most popular features. Personal Account Manager  One of our most praised practice management software features is the personal account manager you will be assigned when you come on board with us. Because… continue reading

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