
A Guide To Maximizing Your Reach With Our Software for Therapy Notes

Therapist using Therapy Notes Software

The market is expanding for therapy software. Here’s how you can utilize ours to expand your practice’s reach with our software for therapy notes. Step One: Customize Your Client Site To Match Your Current Website  We aim to make your digital transition seamless by allowing you to create your custom site to match your brand…. continue reading

What It Means For Your Practice To Utilize A HIPAA Compliant Software

HIPAA Compliant Software

Does your practice need to utilize a HIPAA compliant software? The answer is yes! Here’s why. The healthcare industry abides by strict requirements and guidelines set by both state regulators and medical organizations to ensure patient information is safely secured. This includes ensuring that all software is compliant with HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and… continue reading

3 Ways We Diversify Our Practice Management Software For Therapists

Therapist using a practice management software

Debating on which practice management software for therapists is the best fit for you? We’re sharing three ways we diversify our software among the rest. We’re A Single & Multi-Provider Practice  While not every practice management software for therapists is open to single-provider practices, we pride ourselves on being inclusive to all parties. Our pricing… continue reading

Let’s Talk About How Our Behavioral Health Practice Management Software Can Make Your Life 10x Easier

Behavioral Health Practice Management Software

If you didn’t know, our behavioral health practice management software is designed to make your professional life that much easier. Here’s how. Work Smarter Not Harder  Before a behavioral health practice management software like CounSol.com was created, mental health professionals would spend hours on end seeing clients, filling out paperwork, doing research, and performing hands-on… continue reading

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