3 Things To Look For In Therapist EMR Software

therapist emr

Data collection and accurate notes are critically important in effective treatment for clients. Choosing the right therapist EMR software can streamline this for you. Therapy treatment is a process, and counselors understand the importance of maintaining accurate, detailed notes for each of their clients. For years counselors kept handwritten notes where they tracked details and… continue reading

Don’t Make These Mistakes When Searching For Mental Health EHR Software

mental health ehr software

Making the move to an online system for patient information comes with many questions. Use these tips to avoid common mistakes when shopping for mental health EHR software platforms. Electronic Health Record, or EHR, is a term used to describe software that keeps client data in an online, digital format. There are many companies that… continue reading

4 Ways Therapy EMR Programs Make Client Onboarding Easier

therapy emr

As therapy practices move from paper records to digital ones, a therapy EMR system can be helpful to both your practice and your clients’ onboarding experience. Before the internet, physicians’ offices were stacked high with filing cabinets filled with patients’ physical records. Entire rooms were needed to house this paper data. As more and more… continue reading

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