3 Traits That Make Us The Best Software For Therapists

Best Software For Therapists

If you’re searching long and hard for the best software for therapists, stop what you’re doing! We believe these three traits make us a ring leader in the industry. Trait #1: Responsive  As with giving anything new a try, there’s a learning curve at the beginning that may result in questions, comments, or concerns. You’re… continue reading

How To Make The Right Decision When Searching For Counseling EMR Softwares

Counseling EMR

When you own your own practice, it’s important to research how to be the most efficient on a day-to-day basis. We’re sharing how to make the right decision when choosing between counseling EMR softwares. Check To Make Sure The Website Is HIPAA Compliant  When searching for counseling EMR software, it’s important that they check off… continue reading

5 FAQs About Our Software For Counselors

Software For Counselors

If you’re in need of a software for counselors, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some FAQs we receive about our platform. 1. Is CounSol.com Software for Counselors Safe & Secure?  Absolutely. During the design process, we implemented all of the necessary components to ensure our site was HIPAA compliant and included other… continue reading

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